Fair stand for the brand WellDone® at Tendence 2018 in Frankfurt am Main.

The Wel­lDo­ne® products, ma­nu­fac­tu­red by the ”Being To­ge­the­r'' Fo­un­da­tion,
made from natural ma­te­rials, simple, witty and in­tel­li­gent are not only very useful
but are also the perfect gifts. 

This year, they decided to show only five products, including three news.
The stand responds to the needs and follows the atmosphere of the brand. 
The concept is based on the use of wood and orange color. 
The graphics are the background for products.
Project: Klaudia Kasprzak

Photos: exspace.pl | Klaudia Kasprzak

Client: WellDone


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